
Worldwide Support & Assistance

As a specialist for innovative solutions for ultrapure water supply for dialysis centers DWA has been providing a reliable technical service, even at weekends and public holidays. Our highly qualified service technicians live the philosophy of “preventive service” and thus ensure maximum operational safety and reliability of the entire system.

For DWA and partners, service is key. We support our customers with a full-service team that is at your assistance 24/7, day and night. Our own experienced service technicians are spread all over Germany and thus quickly deployable. Worldwide, we work in the same way: our established partners know DWA installations down to the smallest detail and are committed to supporting you with the best service.

  • Fill in a valid serial number of a DWA device.
  • Minimum length of 8 characters.

Training & Education 

Pioneers in water treatment for dialysis

a reduced total cost of ownership 

We focus not only on the investment cost of your device but also on the smart saving of  energy  and water

A small
environmental footprint,
the Green Wave

We strive continuously to reduce our ecological footprint by reducing energy and water consumption

reliability and

This results in a very good Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF). On top our international partners guarantee a flawless service by there trained teams.

We set
the standard

Thanks to extensive R&D, continuous development and engineering know-how, DWA sets the standard for water treatment in  dialysis.

that span
the globe.

Our installations span the globe. Along with our partners we take immense pride in being a pioneer and an authority on dialysis water treatment. Together, we create sustainable solutions that improves the life of patients and relieve dialysis centers in every aspect.